You’ll get the same technician each and every time with us, as we like to make sure that you feel comfortable with the technicians that represent us. They will not only treat the problems you have, but they will go the extra mile in pointing out what structural problems you may have, most of which are the places where infestations occur. You’ll also be glad to know that all of our highly experienced technicians have had all the training that our state requires. As a certified applicator, they are your best choice for receiving professional efforts from a rat, flea, or mice Exterminator in Maryland. Their extensive training not only exhibits who they are as professionals, but who they are as human beings. Our technicians have good hearts and are good people, meaning that you will be in great hands!

When our rat, flea, and mice Exterminator in Maryland show up to your home, you’ll feel as if a hero has shown up. They’ll be fully equipped, dressed, and ready to handle any infestation problem you may have. Here at Armor Pest Control, we stay up-to-date on all new innovations, chemicals, treatments, and tactics in our industry. It’s within our research in which we have become such a well respected and progressive-minded company.

We know that rodents are not invited in your home, making them an unwelcome guest, which is why we take what we do very seriously. We know that they will burrow their way into deep crevices, further breeding new generations of offspring. That’s where we will hit them the hardest… the source!

rat, flea, mice exterminator maryland