1. Baltimore is Still the #1 Bedbug City

    When Atlanta-based exterminating company Orkin published their list of US cities with the most bedbugs, the last thing anyone from Baltimore wanted was to be the #1 city two years in a row. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened. Why is Baltimore home to the most bedbug treatments in the US? W…Read More

  2. Fleas Are No Match For The Best Baltimore Pest Control

    Armor Pest Control knows you love your dogs and cats.  But they also know that fleas do too.  And summertime is when fleas are most commonly found, thanks to the warm and humid weather.  While fleas are annoyances to animals, they can be very dangerous to humans, transmitting severe human disease…Read More

  3. Baltimore Pest Control Can Help You Beat Back The Bugs

    Bugs outnumber humans more than 1.6 million to one.  To keep your home bug and pest free, you need to take preventative action.  Armor Pest Control is laden with the best Baltimore area pest control experts.  They've got the knowledge and equipment to keep the critters out of your way.  Visit th…Read More

  4. Barbecue Blitzers – Baltimore Pest Control

    It doesn't get more American than summer barbecues and apple pie.  But if ants are crashing your party, there are a couple natural remedies that you can try to reclaim your barbecue. You can draw a chalk outline around the area you don't want the ants invading, or if they're sneaking into your ho…Read More